Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Oracle EBS Patch Steps

/*both tables get entry after successful entry of patch*/
--for all applied patches
Select * from ad_bugs ab where ab.BUG_NUMBER = 'Patch_No'
-- for current application applied patches
Select * from ad_applied_patches aap where patch_name = 'Patch_No'
1. Download required patch from the support.oracle.com -> patches and
2. Unzip the patch where you have downloaded.
3. Read the patch file ‘READ ME.HTML’ carefully.
4. Read Pre patch & post patch application steps. If there are some patches
to apply before this patch, apply them before, and if there are some
patches after this patch, apply that after applying this patch.
5. Check the patch is not already applied using the above SQL.
6. Go to d01/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/ and set the environment file.
7. Down the application services using ‘. down.sh ’
8. Copy the patch to server at this location cd /home/oracle/patches
9. Go to the path where patch exist cd /home/oracle/patches/
10. Unzip the patch using ‘unzip Patch_name.zip’.
11. Go to the unzipped folder.
12. Type adadmin.
13. All defaults values, system/manager, apps/apps
14. Go to Change Maintenance Mode 5, Enable maintenance mode 1.
15. To start the patch type adpatch.
16. Top default.
17. Paste the patch name when it require log file name. Log file name
should be same as patch name patch_number.log
18. Type password system/manager, apps/apps.
19. Default directory.
20. Give the patch driver file uPATCH_NO.drv
21. If AutoPatch is complete, then patch applied successfully.
22. If there is some error go to log file.
23. Vi /d01/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/PROD/log/PATCH_NO.log
24. Type adadmin, All defaults values, system/manager, apps/apps
25. Change maintenance mode. 5, Disable maintenance mode 2.
26. Then up application services ‘. up.sh ’
27. Then check the concurrent manager from application.
28. If target is 0 then bounce the Application and DB by using Up and
Down Scrips.

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